On Our Way

As I write this, Kris, Denali, and I are settled in for our third night of camping. Of course, my intent was to blog every day but a full day’s drive followed by setting up camp in the rain (all three nights so far), and wrangling dog have made an evening of blogging slightly ambitious. I’m happy to report, however, that our trip across the Trans Canada Highway has so far been fantastic. We’re more than 1,000 km into our trip and we’re passed the Canadian Rockies. As someone who spent a year of his life in Colorado, the Canadian Rocky Mountains have a grandeur and magnitude all their own. As we wound our way through Roger’s Pass we were treated with endless views of rivers, steep cliffs, and signs warning of mountain goats and avalanches. Alas, I could not take pictures of these things as I was driving, but I did grab some shots from the places we stopped. This marker has a little history of the pass’s namesake.

Rogers Pass

As it happens, it’s also Canada Day!!

Happy Canada Day!!

I’ll share more details from the trip in the next couple days. For now, these are two last shots from the start of our trip in WA at Oostema Farm.

This first shot is Denali and I walking out for our morning walk before we crossed the border and embarked (see what I did there) on a long drive.

From our first day camping in Washington.

This second shot is from the end of that day’s drive. Life on the road can be hard.

These are some long days.

One final thought. Please be forgiving of this post. I typed it out on my iPhone. : )